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Rain Shelter (तिरपाल) Distribution
हर साल की तरह इस साल भी Help for Humanity ने आप लोगों की सपोर्ट से 52 Rain shelters अन्नू नगर, अटल अय्यूब नगर और ...
Clothes Distribution December 2019
हर साल Help for Humanity  आप लोगों के सपोर्ट से कपड़े, जूते, चप्पलें, कंबल, चादरें, गर्म कपड़े भोपाल की ग़रीब ...
My Business
We support 6 individuals to start their own small Business, and few more individuals are in queue. Estimated Cost ...
Feed the Hungry
We are serving 20+ families in monthly grocery,However many families are needed food packets Yearly cost single ...
Technical School
A technical school costs much less than a degree from a four-year college. That’s mainly because the average ...
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