Causes that need your urgent attention

Every year in winter season, we distribute Jackets, blankets in Slum and outer areas; soft clothes twice in a year in SLUM and to needy people. Average cost for single warm clothes: 500* INR

We sponsored 28 students till now, 50+ more students are looking for Scholarship One student yearly fees + syllabus + uniform = 15,000* INR

We support 3 individuals to start their own small Business, and 9+ individuals are in queue. Estimated Cost for single business support = 13,000* INR

We are serving 15 families in monthly grocery,However many families are needed food packets Yearly cost single family food pack: 1500* X 12 = 18,000 INR

We received request time to time from various sources, and we support patients in Medical, Medication & Blood Donation Average monthly budget : 15,000 INR

Every year before monsoon season we help families in Rain Shelter and home repairing.Average cost for single rain shelter : 1000 INR,Average cost for single home repairing : 5000 INR
Our Projects